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Crowns and Bridges Specialist

If you damage or lose a permanent tooth, crowns and bridges can restore your smile and reduce the risk of complications. At Novato Family Dental Care, Clayton Perry, DDS, Vincent Freemantle, DDS, and the team regularly use crowns and bridges to transform smiles and encourage optimal oral health. To make an appointment call the office in Novato, California, or use the online booking feature today.

What are crowns and bridges?

Crowns and bridges repair decaying, damaged, or missing teeth. Even though they’re frequently mentioned together, crowns and bridges are two different things:


A crown is a synthetic cap bonded on top of a damaged or decaying tooth. 


A dental bridge is a prosthetic that “bridges” a gap in your smile. Bridges make it easier to bite and chew and prevent your existing teeth from moving out of position.

When should I see a dentist about crowns and bridges?

Make an appointment with the team at Novato Family Dental Care if you break or lose a permanent tooth. That’s especially true if routine activities like biting, chewing, and speaking cause you pain or interfere with your quality of life. 

What does getting crowns and bridges involve?

At Novato Family Dental Care, getting a crown takes one appointment, and getting a bridge takes two.

First crowns and bridges visit

If the team determines you can benefit from a crown, they numb your mouth with a local anesthetic and remove the decaying or damaged portion of the enamel from your tooth. Next, your provider takes scans of your mouth and uploads them to a CEREC milling machine.

The CEREC milling machine uses your scans to design and manufacture a custom dental crown that fits your tooth perfectly. Once the machine finishes your crown, your dentist bonds it on top of your damaged or decaying tooth.

If you’re missing a tooth and need a dental bridge, your provider takes scans of your mouth and sends them to a dental laboratory. Technicians at the lab use your scans to create a custom dental bridge that restores your smile to a healthy, vibrant condition. 

Second bridges visit

When the dental facility finishes your bridge, you return to Novato Family Dental Care. Your provider lines up the bridge with the gap in your smile, bonds it in place, and provides care instructions.

How long do crowns and bridges last?

Crowns and bridges last an average of 12-15* years, but it’s possible to extend their use. The team at Novato Family Dental Care recommends:

  • Brushing your teeth twice daily

  • Flossing once a day

  • Visiting the dentist every six months for a professional teeth cleaning and an oral exam

  • Avoiding bad habits like biting your nails and opening packaging with your teeth


If you play contact sports, you should also wear a mouthguard during games and practices to reduce the risk of oral trauma.

To explore the benefits of crowns and bridges, make an appointment at Novato Family Dental Care by calling the office or using the online booking feature today.

*Individual results may vary.

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